Ladies Captain presenting the cheque to NIGHTSAFE her Charity this year.
raising a tremendous £1400 , a BIG thankyou to everyone who donated
Company Day 2024
(turn your sound up)
A big thankyou to everyone who took part, a great time was had by all.
Credit goes to Aaron Dunleavy, Kevin Rawcliffe’s son in law for videoing the day and allowing us to use it on this website.
Ladies held a Solheim Trophy Competition 21st September 2024
Good weather, good golf, good time had by all and Europe came out on top
A big thank you to Heysham Golf Club for hosting this year’s Council trip
Seniors outing to Rudding Park, Harrogate
Great Harwood Ladies Presentation Dinner
17th February 2024
We started our New Year with the annual New Year’s Party, which was a sell
out and a great success. On the evening we raised £500.00 for my Pendleside
Hospice Charity. I have chosen Pendleside because of the support, help and
care my family received during a recent bereavement.
Pendleside Hospice exists to promote and enhance quality of life for people
with life-limiting illnesses, their families and carers; by delivering specialist
and holistic palliative care, which addresses their individually assessed
physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
Their care is planned and continually monitored to ensure appropriateness as
needs may change. Their multi-disciplinary approach facilitates integrated
support in our inpatient, day service and outpatients and community services;
in collaboration with other local care providers.
Their Family Support Service provide support and counselling to adults,
children and families who are caring for a loved one or who have been affected
by a bereavement (or expected bereavement)
All their care is free of charge to those we serve. Annual running costs
currently stand at £5.5million, and with only 22% of funding coming from the
government, Pendleside relies heavily on local support. We simply couldn’t
survive without the generosity of the local communities. On behalf of patients,
past, present and those yet to come, Thank you for your support!
Thank you to all who donated and contributed to the success of the evening, a
special thank you goes out to Lady Captain and her family who donated very
special golf 4ball prizes at both the Marriot Hotel Golf Venues and the
MacDonald Golf Venues.
MacDonald Hotels have kindly donated two more prizes for our future use, a
4ball prize and a Golf Break with Bed and Breakfast and two 2 ball rounds of
golf. These will be used in the Captain’s Drive in and the Captains Day Raffle.
We have started to collect for the charity this week by organising an Easter
Egg Raffle with tickets on sale from the bar at £1.00 per strip
Great News!!
We have obtained a grant from
Watch out for them
The new Veranda
Please note the veranda is a No Smoking area. Smoking is allowed on the old patio. No golf shoes of any type are allowed on the veranda.