Please Note entrance to and exit from the course is via the path at the rear of the Clubhouse adjacent to the locker room doors. When leaving the course from the 9th/18th green you must go behind the Clubhouse and please use the cleaning station provided to clean shoes and trolleys, DO NOT CLEAN THEM ON THE CAR PARK. Please remember NO golf shoes of any type are allowed on the veranda which is also a No Smoking area.
Our dress code is simple and relaxed, we believe in smart casual, however this does exclude the wearing of
tracksuits, beach wear, shirts without collars or sleeves, replica football tops, t-shirts, jeans and untailored shorts.
Golf shoes MUST be worn by anyone going onto the course. Sharing of clubs is NOT allowed. Trolleys are NOT allowed on the greens or fringes.
The easiest way to book a tee time is to book via the BRS system at but please still sign in the visitors book with your reference number.
Be aware if you do not comply with any of the above you may be asked to leave the course!
Please register your booking by signing in the green fee book just inside the foyer, please ensure that all members of your group have paid the required green fees.
As a visitor you are included in our insurance scheme, this covers you for accidental damage to property and also injury to other people through mishit shots. If your ball leaves the course into any adjoining property or car park or injures anybody, this must be recorded by leaving your name and contact details and the time of the incident, a short form can be found in the foyer, this must be completed before you leave the club.
All golfers are reminded that there are only three recognized starting points on the course – the 1st, 4th & 7th tee.
No group may start from any other point on the course unless allowed by the rules of a specific competition.
Always ensure you stand behind and away from any player, playing their shot.
If you mishit a shot into a blind area or towards others please shout a loud “fore”.
Please protect the course by repairing divots and pitch marks.
Please don’t delay, keep up with play and let through faster groups.
We are delighted to welcome you to our bar after your game but we do not allow alcohol on the course.
We hope you enjoy your game and visit, we have a number of membership options should you be looking for a great club to join.
Reserved Tee Times are in operation over the weekend and on competition days and also on Ladies Priority days.
To ensure the course is available to play please check our booking system web site. |
Visitors Green Fees – 2024/25
1st April – 31st October (Excluding Bank Holidays)
Monday to Friday
Playing with a member £20.00 (18 holes) £15.00 (9 holes)
Playing without a member £25.00 (18 holes) £20.00 (9 holes)
Junior playing with a member £5.00
Fourball Rate – £75.00
Saturday (visitors only allowed after 2.00pm)
Playing with a member £20.00 (18 holes) £15 (9 holes)
Playing without a member £25.00 (18 holes) £20.00 (9 holes)
Junior playing with a member – £5.00
Fourball Rate – £75.00
Society of over 8 Players – 18 Holes
Per Player – £20.00 – Monday to Friday £25.00 – Saturday
Winter Visitor Green Fees
Monday to Saturday 1st November – 31st March
(Excluding Bank Holidays)
All Categories – £15.00 Tee/Fairway Mats in Play